Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Welcome Site

Lise met me at the Virginia border during her return trip from North Carolina, after visiting a friend. We spent the night at the lovely Oaks Motel. It was the finest motel in Rosedale, Virginia. Unfortunately, during the daily thundershower, the rain swelled the door shut, trapping Lise inside. Her quick instincts prompted her to crawl OUT THE WINDOW!


Out of Bounds said...

Way to go Gary! Back in Ol' Virginia and tailwinds at your back (I hope). I imagine the Allegheny and Appalachian Mountains are just as difficult as out west. Hope to be there when you cruise into town on Friday. Awesome. Stupendous. Courageous. Outrageous. Perserverence. Keep going strong down the homestretch!

Out of Bounds said...


Patti and I got your message, we've been in NC on vacation and got back yesterday. Let us all know Gary's plans on Friday for we can meet him either at the School/Post Office or maybe ride in with him for 1, maybe 2, miles!

If other riders join in we can put Gary in the "yellow" jersey and the peloton can protect him as he approaches Warrenton and maybe up his pace beyond 11 mph.

Lise said...

And what a lovely spot it was!! Yes, I can still hear the truckers horns honking as I climbed, not too gracefully, out of the window.
But, I did get to dine with the famous bikers and witness more food being comsumed by 5 people than I've ever seen. Can't wait until Friday. Be safe. See you at
4:30 at Highland.

Amy said...

My sister...glad to see that you're finally able to use some of the skills you learned at Camp Butterworth. Wish I could see Gar coming down the homestretch! Love you guys! Aim

Mikey said...

Well, it's all "down hill" now, figuratively speaking of course. Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Great job. I'll see you on the home stretch.